García, Rafael A.; Mathur, Savita; Salabert, D.; Ballot, Jérôme; Régulo, C.; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Baglin, Annie
Bibliographical reference
Science, Volume 329, Issue 5995, pp. 1032- (2010).
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Refereed citations
The 11-year activity cycle of the Sun is a consequence of a dynamo
process occurring beneath its surface. We analyzed photometric data
obtained by the CoRoT space mission, showing solarlike oscillations in
the star HD49933, for signatures of stellar magnetic activity.
Asteroseismic measurements of global changes in the oscillation
frequencies and mode amplitudes reveal a modulation of at least 120
days, with the minimum frequency shift corresponding to maximum
amplitude as in the Sun. These observations are evidence of a stellar
magnetic activity cycle taking place beneath the surface of HD49933 and
provide constraints for stellar dynamo models under conditions different
from those of the Sun.
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Helio and Astero-Seismology and Exoplanets Search
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