Magnelli, B.; Lutz, D.; Berta, S.; Altieri, B.; Andreani, P.; Aussel, H.; Castañeda, H.; Cava, A.; Cepa, J.; Cimatti, A.; Daddi, E.; Dannerbauer, H.; Dominguez, H.; Elbaz, D.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Genzel, R.; Grazian, A.; Gruppioni, C.; Magdis, G.; Maiolino, R.; Nordon, R.; Pérez Fournon, I.; Pérez García, I.; Poglitsch, A.; Popesso, P.; Pozzi, F.; Riguccini, L.; Rodighiero, G.; Saintonge, A.; Santini, P.; Sanchez-Portal, M.; Shao, L.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L.; Valtchanov, I.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.L28
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Refereed citations
We use deep observations obtained with the Photodetector Array Camera
and Spectrometer (PACS) onboard the Herschel Space Observatory to study
the far-infrared (FIR) properties of submillimeter and optically faint
radio galaxies (SMGs and OFRGs). From literature we compiled a sample of
35 securely identified SMGs and nine OFRGs located in the GOODS-N and
the A2218 fields. This sample is cross-matched with our PACS 100 μm
and 160 μm multi-wavelength catalogs based on sources-extraction
using prior detections at 24 μm. About half of the galaxies in our
sample are detected in at least the PACS 160 μm bandpass. The dust
temperatures and the infrared luminosities of our galaxies are derived
by fitting their PACS and SCUBA 850 μm (only the upper limits for the
OFRGs) flux densities with a single modified (β = 1.5) black body
function. The median dust temperature of our SMG sample is
Tdust = 36±8 K while for our OFRG sample it is
Tdust = 47±3 K. For both samples, median dust
temperatures derived from Herschel data agree well with previous
estimates. In particular, Chapman et al. (2005, ApJ, 622, 772) found a
dust temperature of Tdust = 36±7 K for a large sample
of SMGs assuming the validity of the FIR/radio correlation (i.e., q=
log10(LFIR[W]/L1.4 GHz[W
Hz-1] /3.75×1012)). The agreement between
our studies confirms that the local FIR/radio correlation effectively
holds at high redshift even though we find < q > =
2.17±0.19, a slightly lower value than that observed in local
systems. The median infrared luminosities of SMGs and OFRGs are
4.6×1012 L&sun; and
2.6×1012 L&sun;, respectively. We note that
for both samples the infrared luminosity estimates from the radio part
of the spectral energy distribution (SED) are accurate, while estimates
from the mid-IR are considerably (~×3) more uncertain. Our
observations confirm the remarkably high luminosities of SMGs and thus
imply median star-formation rates of 960 M&sun;
yr-1 for SMGs with S(850 μm)>5 mJy and 460
M&sun; yr-1 for SMGs with S(850 μm)>2 mJy,
assuming a Chabrier IMF and no dominant AGN contribution to the
far-infrared luminosity.
Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science instruments provided
by European-led Principal Investigator consortia and with important
participation from NASA.
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Pérez Fournon