O'Halloran, B.; Galametz, M.; Madden, S. C.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Barlow, M. J.; Bendo, G. J.; Bock, J. J.; Boselli, A.; Bradford, M.; Buat, V.; Castro-Rodríguez, N.; Chanial, P.; Charlot, S.; Ciesla, L.; Clements, D. L.; Cormier, D.; Cooray, A.; Cortese, L.; Davies, J. I.; Dwek, E.; Eales, S. A.; Elbaz, D.; Galliano, F.; Gear, W. K.; Glenn, J.; Gomez, H. L.; Hony, S.; Isaak, K. G.; Levenson, L. R.; Lu, N.; Okumura, K.; Oliver, S.; Page, M. J.; Panuzzo, P.; Papageorgiou, A.; Parkin, T. J.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Pohlen, M.; Rangwala, N.; Rigby, E. E.; Roussel, H.; Rykala, A.; Sacchi, N.; Sauvage, M.; Schulz, B.; Schirm, M. R. P.; Smith, M. W. L.; Spinoglio, L.; Srinivasan, S.; Stevens, J. A.; Symeonidis, M.; Trichas, M.; Vaccari, M.; Vigroux, L.; Wilson, C. D.; Wozniak, H.; Wright, G. S.; Zeilinger, W. W.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.L58
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Refereed citations
We present Herschel SPIRE and PACS photometeric observations of the low
metallicity (Z ~ 0.35 Z&sun;) nearby dwarf galaxy, NGC 1705,
in six wavelength bands as part of the Dwarf Galaxy Survey guaranteed
time Herschel key program. We confirm the presence of two dominant
circumnuclear IR-bright regions surrounding the central super star
cluster that had been previously noted at mid-IR wavelengths and in the
sub-mm by LABOCA. On constructing a global spectral energy distribution
using the SPIRE and PACS photometry, in conjunction with archival IR
measurements, we note the presence of an excess at sub-mm wavelengths.
This excess suggests the presence of a signiPcant cold dust component
within NGC 1705 and was modeled as an additional cold component in the
SED. Although alternative explanations for the sub-mm excess beyond 350
μm, such as changes to the dust emissivity cannot be ruled out, the
most likely explanation for the observed submillimetre excess is that of
an additional cold dust component.
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