Grisé, F.; Kaaret, P.; Corbel, S.; Cseh, D.; Feng, H.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 433, Issue 2, p.1023-1038
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Refereed citations
NGC 5408 X-1 is a well-studied ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) that has
been seen to emit in X-rays persistently above the Eddington limit of a
stellar mass black hole for years. In this paper we report on the most
extensive X-ray monitoring of a ULX, using more than 4 yr of
observations from the Swift satellite. We find that the 115 d
periodicity reported by Strohmayer disappeared after only a few cycles,
confirming the suspicion of Foster et al. that the periodicity is most
likely superorbital and not the orbital period of the system. We also
report on a clear dipping behaviour of the source that may be related to
a (super)orbital phenomenon. All these features are reminiscent of
Galactic X-ray binaries and strengthen their link with ULXs. Deeper
observations of a dip could help resolve the ambiguity about the
interpretation of the spectral components of ULXs.
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