Manufacturing of 3D-metallic electromagnetic metamaterials for feedhorns usedin radioastronomy and satellite communications

de Miguel-Hernández, J.; Hoyland, R. J.; Sosa-Cabrera, D.; Deviaene, S.; Fuerte-Rodríguez, P. A.; González-Carretero, E. D.; Vega-Moreno, A.
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Mechanics of Materials

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The electromagnetic metamaterials at microwaves frequencies are well established in industrial applications nowadays. Recent research has shown that a specific kind of metallic metamaterial can contribute to improve the performance of the microwave feedhorns used in radioastronomy and satellite telecommunications. In this article, we theoretically justify this argument finding a new type of meta-ring with a record bandwidth in terms of cross-polarization, and we explore the manufacturability of these particular metamaterials, successfully fabricating a meta-ring and applying it to a novel and very compact prototype microwave antenna which covers a 2:1 bandwidth.
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