Hagen, Lea M. Z.; Ryon, Jenna E.; Mohd Noh Velastín, Elena A. N.; Knapen, J. H.; Erroz-Ferrer, S.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 436, Issue 4, p.3135-3146
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Refereed citations
From an analysis of almost 2000 Galaxy Evolution Explorer images of
galaxies with morphological types ranging from E to Sab, we have found a
significant subset (28 per cent) that show ultraviolet (UV) emission
outside R25. We have obtained Hα imaging of 10 such
galaxies, and found that their star formation rates are similar in the
UV and in Hα, with values ranging from a few tenths to a few
M⊙ yr-1. Probably because our sample selection
is biased towards star-forming galaxies, these rates are comparable to
those found in disc galaxies, although the star formation rates of the
elliptical galaxies in our sample are well below 1 M⊙
yr-1. We confirm that the extended UV emission in our sample
is caused by massive star formation in outer spiral arms and/or outer
(pseudo) rings, rather than by alternative mechanisms such as the UV
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