Kourniotis, M.; Bonanos, A. Z.; Yuan, W.; Macri, L. M.; Garcia-Alvarez, D.; Lee, C.-H.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 601, id.A76, 21 pp.
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Context. The evolution of massive stars surviving the red supergiant
(RSG) stage remains unexplored due to the rarity of such objects. The
yellow hypergiants (YHGs) appear to be the warm counterparts of post-RSG
classes located near the Humphreys-Davidson upper luminosity limit,
which are characterized by atmospheric instability and high mass-loss
rates. Aims: We aim to increase the number of YHGs in M 33 and
thus to contribute to a better understanding of the pre-supernova
evolution of massive stars. Methods: Optical spectroscopy of five
dust-enshrouded yellow supergiants (YSGs) selected from mid-IR criteria
was obtained with the goal of detecting evidence of extensive
atmospheres. We also analyzed BVIc photometry for 21 of the
most luminous YSGs in M 33 spanning approximately nine years to identify
changes in the spectral type that are expected based on the few
well-studied YHGs. To explore the properties of circumstellar dust, we
performed spectral energy distribution fitting of multi-band photometry
of the 21 YSGs. We additionally conducted K-band spectroscopy of the YHG
candidate B324 in search of processed ejected material. Results:
We find three luminous YSGs in our sample, stars 2, 6 and 13, with log
L/L⊙ ≳ 5.35 to be YHG candidates, as they are
surrounded by hot dust and are enshrouded within extended, cold dusty
envelopes. Our spectroscopy of star 2 shows emission of more than one
Hα component, as well as emission of Ca ii and [N ii], implying an
extended atmospheric structure. In addition, the long-term monitoring of
the star reveals a dimming in the visual light curve of amplitude larger
than 0.5 mag that caused an apparent drop in the temperature that
exceeded 500 K. We suggest the observed variability to be analogous to
that of the Galactic YHG ρ Cas. We further support the post-RSG
classification of N125093 and B324 instead of being LBVs in outburst.
Five less luminous YSGs are suggested as post-RSG candidates showing
evidence of hot or/and cool dust emission. Conclusions: We
demonstrate that mid-IR photometry, combined with optical spectroscopy
and time-series photometry, provide a robust method for identifying
candidate YHGs. Future discovery of YHGs in Local Group galaxies is
critical for the study of the late evolution of intermediate-mass
massive stars.
Based on observations made with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC),
installed in the Spanish Observatorio de El Roque de Los Muchachos of
the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, on the island of La
Palma, and on data collected at Subaru Telescope, which is operated by
the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.Full Table 1 is only
available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via
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