Carnerero, M. I.; Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; D'Ammando, F.; Smith, P. S.; Larionov, V. M.; Agudo, I.; Arévalo, M. J.; Arkharov, A. A.; Bach, U.; Bachev, R.; Benítez, E.; Blinov, D. A.; Bozhilov, V.; Buemi, C. S.; Bueno Bueno, A.; Carosati, D.; Casadio, C.; Chen, W. P.; Damljanovic, G.; Paola, A. Di; Efimova, N. V.; Ehgamberdiev, Sh. A.; Giroletti, M.; Gómez, J. L.; González-Morales, P. A.; Grinon-Marin, A. B.; Grishina, T. S.; Gurwell, M. A.; Hiriart, D.; Hsiao, H. Y.; Ibryamov, S.; Jorstad, S. G.; Joshi, M.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Kurtanidze, S. O.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Larionova, E. G.; Larionova, L. V.; Lázaro, C.; Leto, P.; Lin, C. S.; Lin, H. C.; Manilla-Robles, A. I.; Marscher, A. P.; McHardy, I. M.; Metodieva, Y.; Mirzaqulov, D. O.; Mokrushina, A. A.; Molina, S. N.; Morozova, D. A.; Nikolashvili, M. G.; Orienti, M.; Ovcharov, E.; Panwar, N.; Pastor Yabar, A.; Puerto Giménez, I.; Ramakrishnan, V.; Richter, G. M.; Rossini, M.; Sigua, L. A.; Strigachev, A.; Taylor, B.; Tornikoski, M.; Trigilio, C.; Troitskaya, Yu. V.; Troitsky, I. S.; Umana, G.; Valcheva, A.; Velasco, S.; Vince, O.; Wehrle, A. E.; Wiesemeyer, H.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 450, Issue 3, p.2677-2691
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Refereed citations
We present an analysis of the multiwavelength behaviour of the blazar OJ
248 at z = 0.939 in the period 2006-2013. We use low-energy data
(optical, near-infrared, and radio) obtained by 21 observatories
participating in the Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST)-AGILE
Support Program of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope, as well as data
from the Swift (optical-UV and X-rays) and Fermi (γ-rays)
satellites, to study flux and spectral variability and correlations
among emissions in different bands. We take into account the effect of
absorption by the Damped Lyman α intervening system at z = 0.525.
Two major outbursts were observed in 2006-2007 and in 2012-2013 at
optical and near-IR wavelengths, while in the high-frequency radio light
curves prominent radio outbursts are visible peaking at the end of 2010
and beginning of 2013, revealing a complex radio-optical correlation.
Cross-correlation analysis suggests a delay of the optical variations
after the γ-ray ones of about a month, which is a peculiar
behaviour in blazars. We also analyse optical polarimetric and
spectroscopic data. The average polarization percentage P is less than 3
per cent, but it reaches ˜19 per cent during the early stage of
the 2012-2013 outburst. A vague correlation of P with brightness is
observed. There is no preferred electric vector polarization angle and
during the outburst the linear polarization vector shows wide rotations
in both directions, suggesting a complex behaviour/structure of the jet
and possible turbulence. The analysis of 140 optical spectra acquired at
the Steward Observatory reveals a strong Mg II broad emission line with
an essentially stable flux of 6.2 × 10- 15 erg cm-
2 s- 1 and a full width at half-maximum of 2053 km
s- 1.
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