Hanuš, J.; Delbo', M.; Vokrouhlický, D.; Pravec, P.; Emery, J. P.; Alí-Lagoa, V.; Bolin, B.; Devogèle, M.; Dyvig, R.; Galád, A.; Jedicke, R.; Kornoš, L.; Kušnirák, P.; Licandro, J.; Reddy, V.; Rivet, J.-P.; Világi, J.; Warner, B. D.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 592, id.A34, 15 pp.
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Context. The near-Earth asteroid (3200) Phaethon is an intriguing
object: its perihelion is at only 0.14 au and is associated with the
Geminid meteor stream. Aims: We aim to use all available
disk-integrated optical data to derive a reliable convex shape model of
Phaethon. By interpreting the available space- and ground-based thermal
infrared data and Spitzer spectra using a thermophysical model, we also
aim to further constrain its size, thermal inertia, and visible
geometric albedo. Methods: We applied the convex inversion method
to the new optical data obtained by six instruments and to previous
observations. The convex shape model was then used as input for the
thermophysical modeling. We also studied the long-term stability of
Phaethon's orbit and spin axis with a numerical orbital and
rotation-state integrator. Results: We present a new convex shape
model and rotational state of Phaethon: a sidereal rotation period of
3.603958(2) h and ecliptic coordinates of the preferred pole orientation
of (319°, -39°) with a 5° uncertainty. Moreover, we derive
its size (D = 5.1 ± 0.2 km), thermal inertia (Γ = 600
± 200 J m-2 s-1/2 K-1),
geometric visible albedo (pV = 0.122 ± 0.008), and
estimate the macroscopic surface roughness. We also find that the Sun
illumination at the perihelion passage during the past several thousand
years is not connected to a specific area on the surface, which implies
non-preferential heating.