Casuso, E.; Beckman, J. E.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 449, Issue 3, p.2910-2918
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Refereed citations
We present here a theoretical model which can at least contribute to the
observed relation between the specific angular momenta of galaxies and
their masses. This study offers prima facie evidence that the origin of
an angular momentum of galaxies could be somewhat more complex than
previously proposed. The most recent observations point to a scenario in
which, after recombination, matter was organized around bubbles
(commonly termed voids), which acquired rotation by tidal torque
interaction. Subsequently, a combination of the effects of the
gravitational collapse of gas in protogalaxies and the Coriolis force
due to the rotation of the voids could produce the rotation of spiral
galaxies. Thereafter, the tidal interaction between the objects
populating the quasi-spherical voids, in which the galaxies far away
from the rotation axes (populating the sheet forming the surface of a
void) interact with higher probability with others similarly situated in
a neighbouring void, offers a mechanism for transforming some of the
galaxies into ellipticals, breaking their spin and yielding galaxies
with low net angular momentum, as observed. This model gives an
explanation for those observations which suggest a tendency of galactic
spins to align along the radius vectors pointing towards the centres of
the voids for ellipticals/SO and parallel to filaments and sheets for
the spirals. Furthermore, while in simple tidal torque theory the
angular momentum supplied to galaxies diminishes drastically with the
cosmic expansion, in our approximation for which the Coriolis force acts
in addition to tidal torques, the Coriolis force due to void rotation
ensures almost continuous angular momentum supply.
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John E. Beckman