A preliminary comparison of observed and theoretical frequencies for some Delta Scuti stars on the Pleiades cluster

Fox Machado, L.; Pérez Hernández, F.; Suárez, J.-C.; Michel, E.
Bibliographical reference

In: Proceedings of the SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop: Helio- and asteroseismology at the dawn of the millennium, 2-6 October 2000, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife, Spain. Edited by A. Wilson, Scientific coordination by P. L. Pallé. ESA SP-464, Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-697-X, 2001, p. 427 - 430

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The study of δ Scuti stars in a cluster allows to consider that all the objects have the same age, chemical composition and distance. In addition to this, the parameters like metallicity or distance are better estimated for stars belonging to a cluster than for typical field stars. We consider here a set of four Delta Scuti stars in the Pleiades cluster, observed in recent multi-site networks. We have calculated rotating stellar models with input physics appropriate to the star and cluster parameters. We have computed the adiabatic oscillation eigenfrequencies of the stellar models, up to second order in the rotational rate. A range of modes for each Delta Scuti star is presented.