Pohlen, M.; Cortese, L.; Smith, M. W. L.; Eales, S. A.; Boselli, A.; Bendo, G. J.; Gomez, H. L.; Papageorgiou, A.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bock, J. J.; Bradford, M.; Buat, V.; Castro-Rodriguez, N.; Chanial, P.; Charlot, S.; Ciesla, L.; Clements, D. L.; Cooray, A.; Cormier, D.; Dwek, E.; Eales, S. A.; Elbaz, D.; Galametz, M.; Galliano, F.; Gear, W. K.; Glenn, J.; Griffin, M.; Hony, S.; Isaak, K. G.; Levenson, L. R.; Lu, N.; Madden, S.; O'Halloran, B.; Okumura, K.; Oliver, S.; Page, M. J.; Panuzzo, P.; Parkin, T. J.; Perez-Fournon, I.; Rangwala, N.; Rigby, E. E.; Roussel, H.; Rykala, A.; Sacchi, N.; Sauvage, M.; Schulz, B.; Schirm, M. R. P.; Smith, M. W. L.; Spinoglio, L.; Stevens, J. A.; Srinivasan, S.; Symeonidis, M.; Trichas, M.; Vaccari, M.; Vigroux, L.; Wilson, C. D.; Wozniak, H.; Wright, G. S.; Zeilinger, W. W.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.L72
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Refereed citations
By combining Herschel-SPIRE data with archival Spitzer, H i , and CO
maps, we investigate the spatial distribution of gas and dust in the two
famous grand-design spirals M 99 and M 100 in the Virgo cluster. Thanks
to the unique resolution and sensitivity of the Herschel-SPIRE
photometer, we are for the first time able to measure the distribution
and extent of cool, submillimetre (submm)-emitting dust inside and
beyond the optical radius. We compare this with the radial variation in
both the gas mass and the metallicity. Although we adopt a
model-independent, phenomenological approach, our analysis provides
important insights. We find the dust extending to at least the optical
radius of the galaxy and showing breaks in its radial profiles at
similar positions as the stellar distribution. The colour indices
f350/f500 and f250/f350 decrease radially consistent with the
temperature decreasing with radius. We also find evidence of an
increasing gas to dust ratio with radius in the outer regions of both
Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science instruments provided
by European-led Principal Investigator consortia and with important
participation from NASA
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