Fritz, J.; Franceschini, A.; Hatziminaoglou, E.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 366, Issue 3, pp. 767-786.
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We describe improved modelling of the emission by dust in a
toroidal-like structure heated by a central illuminating source within
active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We have chosen a simple but realistic
torus geometry, a flared disc, and a dust grain distribution function
including a full range of grain sizes. The optical depth within the
torus is computed in detail taking into account the different
sublimation temperatures of the silicate and graphite grains, which
solves previously reported inconsistencies in the silicate emission
feature in type 1 AGNs. We exploit this model to study the spectral
energy distributions (SEDs) of 58 extragalactic (both type 1 and type 2)
sources using archival optical and infrared data. We find that both AGN
and starburst contributions are often required to reproduce the observed
SEDs, although in a few cases they are very well fitted by a pure AGN
component. The AGN contribution to the far-infrared luminosity is found
to be higher in type 1 sources, with all the type 2 requiring a
substantial contribution from a circumnuclear starburst. Our results
appear in agreement with the AGN unified scheme, because the
distributions of key parameters of the torus models turn out to be
compatible for type 1 and type 2 AGNs. Further support to the
unification concept comes from comparison with medium-resolution
infrared spectra of type 1 AGNs by the Spitzer observatory, showing
evidence for a moderate silicate emission around 10 μm, which our
code reproduces. From our analysis we infer accretion flows in the inner
nucleus of local AGNs characterized by high equatorial optical depths
(AV~= 100), moderate sizes (Rmax < 100 pc) and
very high covering factors (f~= 80 per cent) on average.