Sampoorna, M.; Trujillo-Bueno, J.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 722, Issue 2, pp. 1269-1289 (2010).
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Refereed citations
This paper presents a detailed study of the scattering polarization
profiles formed under partial frequency redistribution (PRD) in two
thermal models of the solar atmosphere. Particular attention is given to
understanding the influence of several atmospheric parameters on the
emergent fractional linear polarization profiles. The shapes of these
Q/I profiles are interpreted in terms of the anisotropy of the radiation
field, which in turn depends on the source function gradient that sets
the angular variation of the specific intensity. We define a suitable
frequency integrated anisotropy factor for PRD that can be directly
related to the emergent linear polarization. We show that complete
frequency redistribution is a good approximation to model weak resonance
lines. We also show that the emergent linear polarization profiles can
be very sensitive to the thermal structure of the solar atmosphere and,
in particular, to spatial variations of the damping parameter.
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