Short-period Variable Stars in Young Open Cluster Stock 8

Lata, Sneh; Pandey, Anil K.; Kesh Yadav, Ram; Richichi, Andrea; Irawati, Puji; Panwar, Neelam; Dhillon, V. S.; Marsh, T. R.
Bibliographical reference

The Astronomical Journal, Volume 158, Issue 2, article id. 68, 15 pp. (2019).

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We present time-series photometry in the field of Stock 8 and identified 130 short-period variable stars. Twenty-eight main-sequence and 23 pre-main-sequence variables are found to be part of cluster Stock 8. The main-sequence variables are classified as slow pulsators of the B-type, β Cep, and δ Scuti stars. Fourteen main-sequence stars could be new class variables as discussed by Mowlavi et al. and Lata et al. The age and mass of pre-main-sequence variables are found to be ≲5 Myr and in the mass range of 0.5–2.8 M ⊙, respectively. These pre-main-sequence stars could be T-Tauri variables. We have found 5 and 2 of 23 pre-main-sequence variables as classical T-Tauri stars and Herbig Ae/Be stars, respectively, whereas 16 pre-main-sequence stars are classified as weak-line T-Tauri stars.
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