The Spectrum of Solar p-Modes and the Solar Activity Cycle

Pallé, P. L.; Régulo, C.; Roca-Cortés, T.
Bibliographical reference

Progress of Seismology of the Sun and Stars, Proceedings of the Oji International Seminar Held at Hakone, Japan, 11-14 December 1989. Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 367, edited by Y. Osaki and H. Shibahashi. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1990, p.129

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Solar cycle variations on the power and frequencies of the low l p-mode solar acoustic oscillations are investigated using an extensive set of observations obtained at Observatorio del Teide (Izaña, Tenerife). The radial velocity of integrated sunlight has been monitored, by means of a resonant scattering spectrophotometer, at several epochs (basically each year) from 1977 to 1989. The latest data (1988 and 1989) confirm previously found results (Pallé et al., 1988, 1989a,b): a) A variation of nearly 40% peak to peak in the power of the low l solar p-modes, being higher when the solar activity is at its minimum. b) A null variation in frequency for l = 0 and a decrease of ≈ 0.5 µ.Hz for l = 1 when solar activity goes from maximum to minimum (similar results for l = 2 and l = 3) by using a cross-correlation technique.