Metcalfe, T. S.; Creevey, O. L.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 699, Issue 1, pp. 373-382 (2009).
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Refereed citations
Over the past two decades, helioseismology has revolutionized our
understanding of the interior structure and dynamics of the Sun.
Asteroseismology will soon place this knowledge into a broader context
by providing structural data for hundreds of Sun-like stars. Solar-like
oscillations have already been detected from the ground in several
stars, and NASA's Kepler mission is poised to unleash a flood of stellar
pulsation data. Deriving reliable asteroseismic information from these
observations demands a significant improvement in our analysis methods.
In this paper, we report the initial results of our efforts to develop
an objective stellar model-fitting pipeline for asteroseismic data. The
cornerstone of our automated approach is an optimization method using a
parallel genetic algorithm. We describe the details of the pipeline and
we present the initial application to Sun-as-a-star data, yielding an
optimal model that accurately reproduces the known solar properties.
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Helio and Astero-Seismology and Exoplanets Search
The principal objectives of this project are: 1) to study the structure and dynamics of the solar interior, 2) to extend this study to other stars, 3) to search for extrasolar planets using photometric methods (primarily by transits of their host stars) and their characterization (using radial velocity information) and 4) the study of the planetary