dal Ponte, M.; Santiago, B.; Carnero Rosell, A.; De Paris, L.; Pace, A. B.; Bechtol, K.; Abbott, T. M. C.; Aguena, M.; Allam, S.; Alves, O.; Bacon, D.; Bertin, E.; Bocquet, S.; Brooks, D.; Burke, D. L.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Carretero, J.; Conselice, C.; Costanzi, M.; Desai, S.; De Vicente, J.; Doel, P.; Everett, S.; Ferrero, I.; Flaugher, B.; Frieman, J.; García-Bellido, J.; Gerdes, D. W.; Gruendl, R. A.; Gruen, D.; Gutierrez, G.; Hinton, S. R.; Hollowood, D. L.; James, D. J.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Marshall, J. L.; Mena-Fernández, J.; Menanteau, F.; Miquel, R.; Ogando, R. L. C.; Palmese, A.; Paz-Chinchón, F.; Pereira, M. E. S.; Plazas Malagón, A. A.; Pieres, A.; Raveri, M.; Rodriguez-Monroy, M.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Smith, M.; Soares-Santos, M.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; To, C.; Weaverdyck, N.; DES Collaboration
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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Refereed citations
We present a sample of 19 583 ultracool dwarf candidates brighter than z ≤23 selected from the Dark Energy Survey DR2 coadd data matched to VHS DR6, VIKING DR5, and AllWISE covering ~ 480 deg2. The ultracool candidates were first pre-selected based on their (i-z), (z-Y), and (Y-J) colours. They were further classified using a method that compares their optical, near-infrared, and mid-infrared colours against templates of M, L, and T dwarfs. 14 099 objects are presented as new L and T candidates and the remaining objects are from the literature, including 5342 candidates from our previous work. Using this new and deeper sample of ultracool dwarf candidates we also present: 20 new candidate members to nearby young moving groups and associations, variable candidate sources and four new wide binary systems composed of two ultracool dwarfs. Finally, we also show the spectra of 12 new ultracool dwarfs discovered by our group and presented here for the first time. These spectroscopically confirmed objects are a sanity check of our selection of ultracool dwarfs and photometric classification method.
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