Garland, R.; Dufton, P. L.; Evans, C. J.; Crowther, P. A.; Howarth, I. D.; de Koter, A.; de Mink, S. E.; Grin, N. J.; Langer, N.; Lennon, D. J.; McEvoy, C. M.; Sana, H.; Schneider, F. R. N.; Símon Díaz, S.; Taylor, W. D.; Thompson, A.; Vink, J. S.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 603, id.A91, 14 pp.
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A spectroscopic analysis has been undertaken for the B-type multiple
systems (excluding those with supergiant primaries) in the VLT-FLAMES
Tarantula Survey (VFTS). Projected rotational velocities,
vesini, for the primaries have been estimated using a Fourier
Transform technique and confirmed by fitting rotationally broadened
profiles. A subset of 33 systems with vesini ≤ 80 km
s-1 have been analysed using a TLUSTY grid of model
atmospheres to estimate stellar parameters and surface abundances for
the primaries. The effects of a potential flux contribution from an
unseen secondary have also been considered. For 20 targets it was
possible to reliably estimate their effective temperatures
(Teff) but for the other 13 objects it was only possible to
provide a constraint of 20 000 ≤ Teff ≤ 26 000 K - the
other parameters estimated for these targets will be consequently less
reliable. The estimated stellar properties are compared with
evolutionary models and are generally consistent with their membership
of 30 Doradus, while the nature of the secondaries of 3 SB2 system is
discussed. A comparison with a sample of single stars with
vesini ≤ 80 km s-1 obtained from the VFTS and
analysed with the same techniques implies that the atmospheric
parameters and nitrogen abundances of the two samples are similar.
However, the binary sample may have a lack of primaries with significant
nitrogen enhancements, which would be consistent with them having low
rotational velocities and having effectively evolved as single stars
without significant rotational mixing. This result, which may be
actually a consequence of the limitations of the pathfinder
investigation presented in this paper, should be considered as a
motivation for spectroscopic abundance analysis of large samples of
binary stars, with high quality observational data.
Based on observations collected at the European Organisation for
Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere under ESO programme
182.D-0222.Tables 6 and 7 are only available at the CDS via anonymous
ftp to ( or via
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