
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • The dynamical state of bars in cluster dwarf galaxies: the cases of NGC 4483 and NGC 4516
    Dwarf barred galaxies are the perfect candidates for hosting slowly rotating bars. They are common in dense environments and have a relatively shallow potential well, making them prone to heating by interactions. When an interaction induces bar formation, the bar should rotate slowly. They reside in massive and centrally concentrated dark matter
    Cuomo, Virginia et al.

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  • The dynamical state of bars in cluster dwarf galaxies: the cases of NGC 4483 and NGC 4516
    Dwarf barred galaxies are the perfect candidates for hosting slowly rotating bars. They are common in dense environments and have a relatively shallow potential well, making them prone to heating by interactions. When an interaction induces bar formation, the bar should rotate slowly. They reside in massive and centrally concentrated dark matter
    Cuomo, Virginia et al.

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  • The APOGEE value-added catalogue of Galactic globular cluster stars
    We introduce the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)/ Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) value-added catalogue of Galactic globular cluster (GC) stars. The catalogue is the result of a critical search of the APOGEE Data Release 17 (DR17) catalogue for candidate members of all known Galactic GCs. Candidate members are
    Schiavon, Ricardo P. et al.

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  • The APO-K2 Catalog. I. 7500 Red Giants with Fundamental Stellar Parameters from APOGEE DR17 Spectroscopy and K2-GAP Asteroseismology
    We present a catalog of fundamental stellar properties for ~7500 evolved stars, including stellar radii and masses, determined from the combination of spectroscopic observations from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment, part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV, and asteroseismology from K2. The resulting APO-K2 catalog
    Schonhut-Stasik, Jessica et al.

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  • Systematic reanalysis of KMTNet microlensing events, paper I: Updates of the photometry pipeline and a new planet candidate
    In this work, we update and develop algorithms for KMTNet tender-love care (TLC) photometry in order to create a new, mostly automated, TLC pipeline. We then start a project to systematically apply the new TLC pipeline to the historic KMTNet microlensing events, and search for buried planetary signals. We report the discovery of such a planet
    Yang, Hongjing et al.

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  • Surface Heterogeneity, Physical, and Shape Model of Near-Earth Asteroid (52768) 1998 OR2
    On 2020 April 29, the near-Earth object (52768) 1998 OR2 experienced a close approach to Earth at a distance of 16.4 lunar distances (LD). 1998 OR2 is a potentially hazardous asteroid of absolute magnitude H = 16.04 that can currently come as close to Earth as 3.4 LD. We report here observations of this object in polarimetry, photometry, and radar
    Devogèle, Maxime et al.

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