Impressions and observations of a trip to Tenerife
"The famous astronomer Jean Mascart of the Paris Observatory came to Tenerife in 1910 along with other scientists to carry out various studies, including the...
Impressions and observations of a trip to Tenerife
"The famous astronomer Jean Mascart of the Paris Observatory came to Tenerife in 1910 along with other scientists to carry out various studies, including the...
Impressive images of the Ring Nebula as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope
An international team of astronomers, in which researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias are taking part, share the intricate and delicate...
Inauguration of the ARTEMIS telescope at the Teide Observatory
This new telescope for finding Earth-like planets which may transit some of the smaller cooler stars in the solar neighbourhood joints the SPECULOOS network of...
Initiation of LIOM, the IAC Laboratory for Innovation in Optomechanics
From 13th to 17th of February, in IACTEC, the technical collaboration zone of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, the first scientific meeting of the...
On 27 April, the US and European space agencies celebrated the fifth anniversary of the launch of the SOHO satellite by organising the International Sun-Earth...
On 27 April, the US and European space agencies celebrated the fifth anniversary of the launch of the SOHO satellite by organising the International Sun-Earth...