An international team of astronomers, including researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, share the intricate and ethereal beauty of the iconic...
Kinematic, Structural and Composition Studies of the Interstellar and Intergalactic Media
The basic objective of the broject is to investigate the evolution of galaxies by deepening our understanding of the interaction between the insterstellar...
La existencia de vida fuera de la Tierra ha sido un tema de interés para el ser humano desde sus orígenes. En la actualidad nos podemos plantear su búsqueda...
La exposición “100 Lunas cuadradas” viaja a Japón y a Bruselas
Desde la cumbre de Tenerife hasta el país del Sol naciente pasando por la capital administrativa de la Unión Europea. La exposición “100 Lunas cuadradas”...
La Palma hosts the meeting of the Board of the CTA Observato
The Board of Directors of the CTA Observatory (CTAO gGmbH), the company which directws the construction and the working of the future Cherenkov Telescope Arraty...
La Palma telescopes participate in the discovery of a young blazar produced by the merger of two galaxies
An international team of scientists has obtained the first unequivocal detection of a very high speed jet of matter emitted by a galaxy in the process of...
Large scale dynamical differences between active and non-active galaxies in the local Universe
Observational evidence s suggest a co-evolution of the central supermassive black holes and their host galaxies. In some of them, the black hole is ingesting...