The existence of life outside the Earth has been a subject of interest to human beings since its origins. Today we can consider their search. Spaceships...
The second phase of the ALISIO-1 mission, which will take the latest version of the DRAGO infrared camera into space, gets under way
After the excellent results from its predecesor, DRAGO (Demonstrator for Remote Analysis of Ground Observations) the updated version of this instrument...
The six-monthly meeting of the International Scientific Committee of the IAC observatories met in La Palma
It took place on May 24th and 25th in the meeting room of the Parador in Breña Baja A large group of representatives of the various institutions which take part...
The Solar System Group at the IAC discovers a new asteroid near the Earth
The discovery of 2024 NP2 took place during the night of July 4th in images taken during the commissioning of the TST, a new telescope recently installed at the...
The star cluster Westerlund 1: a nursery of giant stars within the shadows
A scientific team led by the University of Alicante, with participation by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has produced a detailed study of the...
The star formation rate evolution of low-mass galaxies as seen by OTELO
We present the analysis of a sample of Halpha, Hbeta and [OII] emission line galaxies from the OTELO survey, with masses typically below log(M */Msun) = 9.4 and...
The stellar orbit distribution in present-day galaxies inferred from the CALIFA survey
Galaxy formation entails the hierarchical assembly of mass, along with the condensation of baryons and the ensuing, self-regulating star formation. The stars...
The structure of the famous Jet of material in M87, the brightest galaxy in the Virgo Cluster, revealed
A Master’s degree research project at the University of Barcelona (UB), carried out at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) by the student Alejandra...
The Sunrise III mission obtains data from the Sun with unprecedented resolution in space and time
At the present time ground-based observatories have a wide range of instruments which can study the solar surface in the visible and infrared ranges. But it is...