The effects of light pollution on astronomy are increasing
The Director of the Starlight Foundation, and researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Antonia M. Varela Pérez has contributed to a monographic...
The Equinox from the Basilica of Santa Lucía del Trampal
Known as the only building from the Visigoth era in the southern half of the Spanish península which is still conserved, this church, from the Municipality of...
The Eta Aquariids 2021: echos of a meteor shower to study the Solar System
On May 5th the Earth will pass through the cloud of dust and small fragments of rock which comet 1P/Halley left behind during one of its approaches to the Sun...
The evolutionary history of the Milky Way determined in more detail than ever
Thanks to data from the Gaia mission, of the European Space Agency (ESA), and international team led by researchers from the Instituto de Astrofísica de...
The first hybrid edition of the International Summer School for Teachers at the IAC has concluded
Last week saw the ending of the eighth edition of the school “Astronomy Education Adventure in the Canary Islands” coordinated by the IAC and NUCLIO, with the...
The first light pollution laboratory in the Azores
There are now 10 sensors monitoring the night-time darkness of the island of Corvo to determine the impact of artificial lighting on the sea birds. The...
The first meeting of the major astronomical observatories in Spain is held in La Palma
From Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th October, the first meeting of the large astronomical observatories in Spain will be held in the town of Los Cancajos, La Palma...
The first one day meeting on the protection of the sky and employment opportunities has been held
“Future generations have the right to an unscathed, uncontaminated Earth, including the right to a clean sky”, This statement is included in UNESCO’s...
A team of astronomers from the University of Chile, in collaboration with the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the University of La Laguna (ULL)...