The Japanese ambassador to Spain, Takahiro Nakamae, visited the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) in the municipality of Garafía (La Palma) last weekend...
The June solstice will be broadcast from Gran Canaria
During the afternoon of Sunday 20th June, as part of the outreach activities of the Energy Efficiency Laboratories (EELabs) project, coordinated by the...
The latest advances in the Standard Model of Particle Physics, and their consequences for problems such as that of dark matter have been presented
HC2NP2019, the second conference on "Hadronic Contributions to New Physics Searches" organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in Puerto de la...
The March “Supermoon” will bid goodbye to winter next to the shadow of Teide
On March 9th we can see the second “supermoon” of this year, and the last full moon of winter in the northern hemisphere. With the collaboration of the EELabs...
The municipality of Güímar in Tenerife will host one of the photometer networks that will be used to produce light maps from the coast to the Teide Observatory...
The Minister of Science, Diana Morant, visits the scientific installations at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
After presiding over the ceremony of recognition for the scientific community involved in the management of the crisis caused by the volcanic eruption on La...
The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, meets with the scientific community at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory
After the meeting, which was attended by representatives of various scientific institutions of reference, both regional and national, the minister and his team...
The ninth edition of the AEACI promotes astronomy education once more
Under the theme "Other Worlds", this edition highlighted the latest discoveries and advances in research on extrasolar planets, the Solar System and...