In force date
Call year
Jorge Francisco
Sánchez Almeida
Financial institution
Financing program
Amount granted to the IAC Consortium
69.750,04 €
Using the publicly available cosmological fields of MUSE, we plan to detect the gas that feeds star formation in nearby galaxies.
It would be the first time this gas is detected in Ha. The main advantage of using Ha with respect to Lya (used at high redshift) is the possibility of measuring metallicity and, thus, to be able to distinguish between outflows produced by star-formation (metal rich) and cosmological inflows (metal poor).
In addition, the use of these data set will allow us to get the expertise needed to apply for MUSE time in the future. Acquiring this knowhow represents a strategic move since MUSE is unique and has revolutionized every field it has targeted so far.
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