This project is the natural continuation of the Coordinated Projects AYA2007-67752, AYA2010-21322 and AYA2013-48226 that were carried out by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and the Universitat de Valencia (UV).
The fundamental objective of this proposal is to keep on deepening in our understanding of the formation and evolution of the structures that populate the Universe, namely, galaxies and galaxy clusters, from different, but complementary, fields of Astrophysics.
The central idea of the proposal is to combine state-of-the-art cosmological simulations with the latest generation of stellar populations synthesis models. These will be compared directly with the highest quality observational data.
Special attention will be devoted to understand the morphological and dynamical transformations experimented by different types of galaxies in different mass ranges. Our combined approach will also contribute to advance in the study of the galaxy clusters and their interplay with the galactic scales. The unique fusion of astrophysical disciplines will constitute a valuable tool in building a general framework for structure formation in the Universe, and the understanding of the origin and detailed stellar content of galaxies.