This grant is aimed at providing the IAC with the necessary equipment to have a leading optical laboratory to support and enable the necessary developments for...
Agreement between the Exmo. Island Council of Tenerife and the IAC for "Support for R&D&i actions in the IACTEC cooperation space"
The purpose of this agreement is the financing of the operation, supply and maintenance expenses of the IACTEC building, as the infrastructure in which the...
Agreement between the MICIU and IAC for the execution of the second phase of the project “Scientific-technical Infrastructures and Institutional Services for the Strategic Development of the Observatories of the Canary Islands (inside)”
Agreement between the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the IAC: INfraestructuras científico-técnicas y Servicios Institucionales para el Desarrollo Estratégico de los Observatorios de Canarias (INSIDE-OOCC, ICTS-2019-03-IAC-12) FEDER co-financing
The operation contemplated here includes 11 sub-actions grouped in 4 main actions with high priority in the current Strategic Plan of the Observatorios de...
Agreement between the University of Göttingen and the IAC RDA Europe 4.O project
We have designed a "reproducible paper" template[1] for managing our research outputs by studying best practices, including RDA recommendations and outputs...
Asteroseismology and Exoplanet science with PLATO and preparations for HAYDN at IAC
This coordinated project focuses on the scientific preparations for the European Space Agency's PLATO mission, which aims to advance our knowledge of extrasolar...
At the forefront of Galactic Archaelogy: evolution of the luminous and dark matter components of the Milky Way and Local Group dwarf galaxies in the Gaia Era
We propose to investigate fundamental questions concerning the formation and evolution of galaxies, by adopting the Galactic Archaeology approach. As the Sun is...