The collaboration Estallidos has been working together for more than two decades. In the present edition, we have organised the research work into five...
Stars4ll: a collective awareness platform for promoting darkness. H2020 Grant
WHY: 2015 has been named by the United Nations as the International Year of Light ( Electricity and light have many obvious benefits for human...
Stellar populations models with varying abundance element ratios to constrain galaxy formation timescales
The formation and evolution of galaxies is considered one of the hottest topics in Modern Astronomy. Studies on their stellar content have provided severe...
Studies of the central galaxy parsec with high-resolution spatial techniques
This is a multiwavelength study of the centre of the nearest and brightest galaxies at angular scales of a few parsecs. These resolutions, namely <0.1 in...
Subsidy granted to the IAC for the financing of the "Investigation Program"
The purpose of this project is to hire young people registered as job applicants, unemployed, in the Canary Islands Employment Service (SCE), aged 16 or over...
Subsidy to cover the costs of the Astronomy Infrastructure Network (RIA)
The Astronomy Infrastructure Network (RIA), has the purpose of coordinating the activities of the Singular Technical Scientific Infrastructures (ICTS) and...
SUBSTELLAR - Substellar Science with Euclid Space Mission
SUBSTELLAR project is aimed at mining the Euclid Telescope surveys for pushing the frontier of knowledge in substellar science. The first challenge of the...
CosmoLAB is a project of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands in collaboration with the Cabildo of Tenerife. Its main aim is to encourage the...
SUNDIAL: Survey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis and Learning. H2020 Grant
SUNDIAL (SUrvey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis & Learning) is an ambitious interdisciplinary network of nine research groups in The Netherlands, Germany...