The "Roads, Mobility, Innovation and Culture Area" belonging to the Island Council of Tenerife has financed the hiring of IACTEC researchers in the "Space"...
TEIDESAT - TEchincal INvestigation and DEVelopment to SATellites
Since its origin in December 2017, the TEIDESAT project was founded and is formed and led by a team of students, initially from the University of La Laguna and...
Temporal Evolution of the Milky-way Properties from an Observational and theoretical Sinergy (GA 101066193)
Understanding how galaxies form and evolve in the Universe is a key, long-term goal of Astrophysics. In this regard, our Galaxy provides unique insights because...
B-CycleS is born as an ambitious long-term research program that aims to provide a comprehensive picture for the formation and evolution of galaxies by studying...
The central PARSEC of galaxies, Adaptive Optics instrumentation development
PARSEC is a multiwavelength investigation of the centre of the nearest galaxies at parsecs scale. It studies the brightest mv <19 mag, and nearest up to ~ 20...
The evolution of galaxy clusters from cosmic dawn to noon
Our overall aim is to understand the role of environment in regulating galaxy growth from the first overdensities at z~6, cosmic dawn, to the galaxy clusters...
The formation of fullerene molecular nanostructures in space
NanoFullerenes is an ambitious interdisciplinary project to understand the top-down formation process of fullerene molecular nanostructures in space, involving...
The internal structure of ionized nebulae and its effect on determining the chemical composition of the interstellar medium and the Universe
The project focuses on the study of the effect of the internal structure of temperature and density in ionized nebulae on the determination of their chemical...