Cosmología con Trazadores de la Estructura a Gran Escala del Universo

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    El Fondo Cósmico de Microondas (FCM) contiene la información estadística de las semillas primigenias que han dado lugar a la formación de todas las estructuras en el Universo. Su contrapartida natural en el Universo local es la distribución de las galaxias que surgen como resultado del crecimiento gravitatorio de aquellas fluctuaciones de densidad primigenias. La caracterización de la distribución de inhomogeneidades a gran escala en el Universo local proporciona una herramienta muy poderosa, y complementaria al FCM, para determinar el origen y el contenido energético del Universo, el ritmo de expansión del mismo durante la evolución cósmica, los detalles del proceso de formación de todas las estructuras a gran escala que observamos en el Universo hoy día. Esta es la página web del grupo de Cosmología con trazadores de la Estructura a Gran Escala (LSS de sus siglas en inglés), en el IAC.

    Investigador principal
    Personal del proyecto
    1. eBOSS: análisis cosmológico de los datos de cuásares. Marcos Pellejero Ibañez and F. S. Kitaura participaron en la construcción de la likelihood y en el análisis de los parámetros cosmológicos (including as coauthors Kitaura & Pellejero Ibañez: 2018MNRAS.473.4773A).
    2. EUCLID: proyecto comparativo de códigos para generar catálogos de galaxias sintéticos, donde se demostró la precisión y eficiencia de PATCHY (including as coauthors Balaguera-Antolínez, Kitaura & Pellejero Ibañez:,,
    3. Desarrollo de un método para asignar el bias para estudios de estructura a gran escala (Balaguera-Antolínez, Kitaura, Pellejero Ibañez et al 2018:
    4. Presentación del proyecto UNITSIM para proporcionar modelos teóricos para comparar con observaciones DESI y EUCLID (including as coauthors Kitaura & Pellejero Ibañez:
    5. Presentación del código BARCODE (Bos, Kitaura & Weygaert 2018:,

    Publicaciones relacionadas

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      The one-point probability distribution function (PDF) of the matter density field in the universe is a fundamental property that plays an essential role in cosmology for estimates such as gravitational weak lensing, non-linear clustering, massive production of mock galaxy catalogues, and testing predictions of cosmological models. Here we make a
      Klypin, A. et al.

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    • Characterization of a subsample of the Planck SZ source cluster catalogues using optical SDSS DR12 data
      Aims: The Planck catalogues of Sunyaev -Zeldovich (SZ) sources, PSZ1 and PSZ2, are the largest catalogues of galaxy clusters selected through their SZ signature in the full sky. In 2013, we started a long-term observational programme at Canary Island observatories with the aim of validating ˜500 unconfirmed SZ sources. In this work we present
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    • The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: a tomographic analysis of structure growth and expansion rate from anisotropic galaxy clustering
      We perform a tomographic analysis of structure growth and expansion rate from the anisotropic galaxy clustering of the combined sample of Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) Data Release 12, which covers the redshift range of 0.2 z 0.75. In order to extract the redshift information of anisotropic galaxy clustering, we analyse this data
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    • Gravitational lensing detection of an extremely dense environment around a galaxy cluster
      Galaxy clusters form at the highest-density nodes of the cosmic web1,2. The clustering of dark matter halos hosting these galaxy clusters is enhanced relative to the general mass distribution, with the matter density beyond the virial region being strongly correlated to the halo mass (halo bias)3. Halo properties other than mass can further enhance
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    • Optical validation and characterization of Planck PSZ1 sources at the Canary Islands observatories. I. First year of ITP13 observations
      We have identified new clusters and characterized previously unknown Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) sources from the first Planck catalogue of SZ sources (PSZ1). The results presented here correspond to an optical follow-up observational programme developed during approximately one year (2014) at Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, using the 2.5 m
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    • Impact of young stellar components on quiescent galaxies: deconstructing cosmic chronometers
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      López-Corredoira, M. et al.

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    • Optical Identifications of High-Redshift Galaxy Clusters from the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich Survey
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    • The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment
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    • Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cluster science
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    • Evidence of a truncated spectrum in the angular correlation function of the cosmic microwave background
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    • Extracting cosmological information from the angular power spectrum of the 2MASS Photometric Redshift catalogue
      Using the almost all-sky 2MASS Photometric Redshift catalogue (2MPZ) we perform for the first time a tomographic analysis of galaxy angular clustering in the local Universe (z 0.24). We estimate the angular auto- and cross-power spectra of 2MPZ galaxies in three photometric redshift bins, and use dedicated mock catalogues to assess their errors
      Balaguera-Antolínez, A. et al.

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    • Tracing the cosmic web
      The cosmic web is one of the most striking features of the distribution of galaxies and dark matter on the largest scales in the Universe. It is composed of dense regions packed full of galaxies, long filamentary bridges, flattened sheets and vast low-density voids. The study of the cosmic web has focused primarily on the identification of such
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    • The clustering of the SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey DR14 quasar sample: first measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations between redshift 0.8 and 2.2
      We present measurements of the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) scale in redshift-space using the clustering of quasars. We consider a sample of 147 000 quasars from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) distributed over 2044 square degrees with redshifts 0.8 z 2.2 and measure their spherically averaged clustering in both
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    • Alcock-Paczynski test with model-independent BAO data
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    • Galactic wind X-ray heating of the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization
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    • Accurate halo-galaxy mocks from automatic bias estimation and particle mesh gravity solvers
      Reliable extraction of cosmological information from clustering measurements of galaxy surveys requires estimation of the error covariance matrices of observables. The accuracy of covariance matrices is limited by our ability to generate sufficiently large number of independent mock catalogues that can describe the physics of galaxy clustering
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    • Tests and Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology
      The main foundations of the standard Λ CDM model of cosmology are that: (1) the redshifts of the galaxies are due to the expansion of the Universe plus peculiar motions; (2) the cosmic microwave background radiation and its anisotropies derive from the high energy primordial Universe when matter and radiation became decoupled; (3) the abundance
      López-Corredoira, M.

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    • Testing approximate predictions of displacements of cosmological dark matter halos
      We present a test to quantify how well some approximate methods, designed to reproduce the mildly non-linear evolution of perturbations, are able to reproduce the clustering of DM halos once the grouping of particles into halos is defined and kept fixed. The following methods have been considered: Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) up to third
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    • Growth of First Galaxies: Impacts of Star Formation and Stellar Feedback
      Recent observations have detected galaxies at high-redshift z∼ 6{--}11, and revealed the diversity of their physical properties, from normal star-forming galaxies to starburst galaxies. To understand the properties of these observed galaxies, it is crucial to understand the star formation (SF) history of high-redshift galaxies under the influence
      Yajima, H. et al.

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    • The clustering of galaxies in the completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: cosmological analysis of the DR12 galaxy sample
      We present cosmological results from the final galaxy clustering data set of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. Our combined galaxy sample comprises 1.2 million massive galaxies over an effective area of 9329 deg2 and volume of 18.7 Gpc3, divided into three partially overlapping redshift slices
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