A Spectroscopic Census Of L Dwarfs Observed By Gaia
The ESA cornerstone mission Gaia will revolutionise astronomy observing objects as diverse as minor planets, stars,and galaxies out to QSOs. We estimate that...
A stellar occultation by the transneptunian object (50000) Quaoar observed by CHEOPS
Context. Stellar occultation is a powerful technique that allows the determination of some physical parameters of the occulting object. The result depends on...
A study of the 15-μm quasars in the ELAIS N1 and N2 fields
This paper discusses the properties of the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) 15-μm quasars and tries to establish a robust method of quasar selection for...
A study of the capabilities for inferring atmospheric information from high-spatial-resolution simulations
In this work, we study the accuracy that can be achieved when inferring the atmospheric information from realistic numerical magneto-hydrodynamic simulations...
UV, optical, and near-IR spectra of Vega have been combined to test our understanding of stellar atmospheric opacities and to examine the possibility of...
We present the first deep, optical, wide-field imaging survey of the young open cluster Collinder 359, complemented by near-infrared follow-up observations...
Context. ESPRESSO guaranteed time observations (GTOs) at the 8.2m VLT telescope were performed to look for Earth-like exoplanets in the habitable zone of nearby...
A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard's star: No evidence of transits in TESS photometry
A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard's star, designated as Barnard b, has recently been announced. At almost the same time, the first photometric data of...
A sub-Neptune and a non-transiting Neptune-mass companion unveiled by ESPRESSO around the bright late-F dwarf HD 5278 (TOI-130)
Context. Transiting sub-Neptune-type planets, with radii approximately between 2 and 4 R ⊕, are of particular interest as their study allows us to gain insight...