Estas normas constituyen medidas de control que se ponen en práctica con la finalidad de reducir el riesgo de que se produzcan accidentes/incidentes durante...
Permission to engage in private activities: V. López Molina
Protocol of action against sexual harassment, harassment based on sex and harassment based on sexual orientation and gender identity
This protocol describes the procedure to follow in case you want to report a situation of sexual harassment or harassment based on sex or a situation of sexual...
Reglamento de gestión de la incubadora de Alta Tecnología en Astrofísica y Espacio (IATAE) de IACTEC. Establece el procedimiento para que los colaboradores...
Research in the Canary Island observatories, main theme of the recent meeting of their International Scientific Committee
The International Scientific Committee (CCI for its Spanish initials) of the Canary Island Observatories offers the mechanism by which the institutions which...