The Sun is a magnetically active star with violent eruptions that can hit Earth´s magnetosphere and cause important perturbations in our technology-dependent society. The objective of the Whole Sun
FernandoMoreno Insertis
IACOB is an ambitious long-term project whose main scientific goal is to provide an unprecedented empirical overview of the main physical properties of Galactic massive O- and B-type stars which can
SergioSimón Díaz -
PARSEC is a multi-wavelength investigation of the central PARSEC of the nearest galaxies. We work on black-hole accretion and its most energetic manifestations: jets and hot spots, and on its
AlmudenaPrieto Escudero -
Consists in direct transmission of astronomers at work on the IAC80 Telescope of the Observatorio del Teide (OT) to the I.E.S. seminar room or to museums. Transmission last for about one-and-a-half
Alfredo RafaelRosenberg González -
What is it?
It is an IAC initiative that aims to make visible the work of women in Astronomy-Astrophysics, while offering girls inspiring models to promote their scientific and technological
NayraRodríguez Eugenio -
SUNDIAL (SUrvey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis & Learning) is an ambitious interdisciplinary network of nine research groups in The Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Spain
Johan HendrikKnapen Koelstra -
WHY: 2015 has been named by the United Nations as the International Year of Light ( Light has had many obvious benefits for human mankind, but it also poses some relevant threats: the
MiquelSerra Ricart -
Starsbursts play a key role in the cosmic evolution of galaxies, and thus in the star formation (SF) history of the universe, the production of metals, and the feedback coupling galaxies with the
CasianaMuñoz Tuñón -
Our small group is well known and respected internationally for our innovative and important work on various aspects of the structure and evolution of nearby spiral galaxies. We primarily use
Johan HendrikKnapen Koelstra -
The exhibition "Sorpresas del Cosmos" is the result of a collaboration between the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the Instituto Cervantes. Its objective is to make known abroad the astrophysical research work being carried out in Spain.Annia Domènech
SOMMa’s mission is to internationally promote, strengthen and maximise the value of the ground-breaking research produced by the Spanish ‘Severo Ochoa’ Centres and ‘María de Maeztu’ Units of Excellence and the scientific, social and economic impact it generates.RafaelRebolo López