Mékarnia, D.; Chapellier, E.; Guillot, T.; Abe, L.; Agabi, A.; De Pra, Y.; Schmider, F.-X.; Zwintz, K.; Stevenson, K. B.; Wang, J. J.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Bigot, L.; Crouzet, N.; Fanteï-Caujolle, Y.; Christille, J.-M.; Kalas, P.
Bibliographical reference
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 608, id.L6, 4 pp.
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Aims: The Antarctica Search for Transiting Extrasolar Planets
(ASTEP), an automatized 400 mm telescope located at Concordia station in
Antarctica, monitored β Pictoris continuously to detect any
variability linked to the transit of the Hill sphere of its planet
β Pictoris b. The long observation sequence, from March to
September 2017, combined with the quality and high level duty cycle of
our data, enables us to detect and analyse the δ Scuti pulsations
of the star. Methods: Time series photometric data were obtained
using aperture photometry by telescope defocussing. The 66 418 data
points were analysed using the software package Period04. We only
selected frequencies with amplitudes that exceed four times the local
noise level in the amplitude spectrum. Results: We detect 31
δ Scuti pulsation frequencies, 28 of which are new detections. All
the frequencies detected are in the interval 34.76-75.68 d-1.
We also find that β Pictoris exhibits at least one pulsation mode
that varies in amplitude over our monitoring duration of seven months.
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