de Wijn, A. G.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Vitas, N.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 836, Issue 1, article id. 29, 4 pp. (2017).
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Refereed citations
We report on the detection of linear polarization of the forbidden [O i]
630.03 nm spectral line. The observations were carried out in the
broader context of the determination of the solar oxygen abundance, an
important problem in astrophysics that still remains unresolved. We
obtained spectro-polarimetric data of the forbidden [O i] line at 630.03
nm as well as other neighboring permitted lines with the Solar Optical
Telescope of the Hinode satellite. A novel averaging technique was used,
yielding very high signal-to-noise ratios in excess of 105.
We confirm that the linear polarization is sign-reversed compared to
permitted lines as a result of the line being dominated by a magnetic
dipole transition. Our observations open a new window for solar oxygen
abundance studies, offering an alternative method to disentangle the Ni
i blend from the [O i] line at 630.03 nm that has the advantage of
simple LTE formation physics.
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