Oliver, S. J.; Bock, J.; Altieri, B.; Amblard, A.; Arumugam, V.; Aussel, H.; Babbedge, T.; Beelen, A.; Béthermin, M.; Blain, A.; Boselli, A.; Bridge, C.; Brisbin, D.; Buat, V.; Burgarella, D.; Castro-Rodríguez, N.; Cava, A.; Chanial, P.; Cirasuolo, M.; Clements, D. L.; Conley, A.; Conversi, L.; Cooray, A.; Dowell, C. D.; Dubois, E. N.; Dwek, E.; Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Elbaz, D.; Farrah, D.; Feltre, A.; Ferrero, P.; Fiolet, N.; Fox, M.; Franceschini, A.; Gear, W.; Giovannoli, E.; Glenn, J.; Gong, Y.; González Solares, E. A.; Griffin, M.; Halpern, M.; Harwit, M.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Heinis, S.; Hurley, P.; Hwang, H. S.; Hyde, A.; Ibar, E.; Ilbert, O.; Isaak, K.; Ivison, R. J.; Lagache, G.; Le Floc'h, E.; Levenson, L.; Faro, B. Lo; Lu, N.; Madden, S.; Maffei, B.; Magdis, G.; Mainetti, G.; Marchetti, L.; Marsden, G.; Marshall, J.; Mortier, A. M. J.; Nguyen, H. T.; O'Halloran, B.; Omont, A.; Page, M. J.; Panuzzo, P.; Papageorgiou, A.; Patel, H.; Pearson, C. P.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Pohlen, M.; Rawlings, J. I.; Raymond, G.; Rigopoulou, D.; Riguccini, L.; Rizzo, D.; Rodighiero, G.; Roseboom, I. G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Sánchez Portal, M.; Schulz, B.; Scott, Douglas; Seymour, N.; Shupe, D. L.; Smith, A. J.; Stevens, J. A.; Symeonidis, M.; Trichas, M.; Tugwell, K. E.; Vaccari, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Vieira, J. D.; Viero, M.; Vigroux, L.; Wang, L.; Ward, R. et al.
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 424, Issue 3, pp. 1614-1635.
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Refereed citations
The Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) is a legacy
programme designed to map a set of nested fields totalling ˜380
deg2. Fields range in size from 0.01 to ˜20
deg2, using the Herschel-Spectral and Photometric Imaging
Receiver (SPIRE) (at 250, 350 and 500 μm) and the
Herschel-Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) (at 100 and
160 μm), with an additional wider component of 270 deg2
with SPIRE alone. These bands cover the peak of the redshifted thermal
spectral energy distribution from interstellar dust and thus capture the
reprocessed optical and ultraviolet radiation from star formation that
has been absorbed by dust, and are critical for forming a complete
multiwavelength understanding of galaxy formation and evolution.
The survey will detect of the order of 100 000 galaxies at 5σ in
some of the best-studied fields in the sky. Additionally, HerMES is
closely coordinated with the PACS Evolutionary Probe survey. Making
maximum use of the full spectrum of ancillary data, from radio to X-ray
wavelengths, it is designed to facilitate redshift determination,
rapidly identify unusual objects and understand the relationships
between thermal emission from dust and other processes. Scientific
questions HerMES will be used to answer include the total infrared
emission of galaxies, the evolution of the luminosity function, the
clustering properties of dusty galaxies and the properties of
populations of galaxies which lie below the confusion limit through
lensing and statistical techniques.
This paper defines the survey observations and data products, outlines
the primary scientific goals of the HerMES team, and reviews some of the
early results. Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science
instruments provided by European-led Principal Investigator consortia
and with important participation from NASA.
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This IAC research group carries out several extragalactic projects in different spectral ranges, using space as well as ground-based telescopes, to study the cosmological evolution of galaxies and the origin of nuclear activity in active galaxies. The group is a member of the international consortium which built the SPIRE instrument for the
Pérez Fournon