Centeno, R.; Socas-Navarro, H.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 682, Issue 1, pp. L61-L64.
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Refereed citations
In this work we present new data that sets strong constraints on the
solar oxygen abundance. Our approach, based on the analysis of
spectropolarimetric observations, is almost model-independent and
therefore extremely robust. The asymmetry of the Stokes V profile of the
6300 Å [O I] and Ni I blend is used as an indicator of the
relative abundances of these two elements. The peculiar shape of the
profile requires a value of ɛO = 730 +/- 100 ppm
(parts per million), or logɛO = 8.86 +/- 0.07 in the
logarithmic scale commonly used in astrophysics. The uncertainty range
includes the model dependence as well as uncertainties in the oscillator
strengths of the lines. We emphasize that the very low degree of model
dependence in our analysis makes it very reliable compared to
traditional determinations.
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