Beck, C.; Fabbian, D.; Rezaei, R.; Puschmann, K. G.
Bibliographical reference
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 842, Issue 1, article id. 37, 11 pp. (2017).
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Before using three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamical (MHD)
simulations of the solar photosphere in the determination of elemental
abundances, one has to ensure that the correct amount of magnetic flux
is present in the simulations. The presence of magnetic flux modifies
the thermal structure of the solar photosphere, which affects abundance
determinations and the solar spectral irradiance. The amount of magnetic
flux in the solar photosphere also constrains any possible heating in
the outer solar atmosphere through magnetic reconnection. We compare the
polarization signals in disk-center observations of the solar
photosphere in quiet-Sun regions with those in Stokes spectra computed
on the basis of 3D MHD simulations having average magnetic flux
densities of about 20, 56, 112, and 224 G. This approach allows us to
find the simulation run that best matches the observations. The
observations were taken with the Hinode SpectroPolarimeter (SP), the
Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter (TIP), the Polarimetric Littrow
Spectrograph (POLIS), and the GREGOR Fabry–Pèrot
Interferometer (GFPI), respectively. We determine characteristic
quantities of full Stokes profiles in a few photospheric spectral lines
in the visible (630 nm) and near-infrared (1083 and 1565 nm). We find
that the appearance of abnormal granulation in intensity maps of
degraded simulations can be traced back to an initially regular
granulation pattern with numerous bright points in the intergranular
lanes before the spatial degradation. The linear polarization signals in
the simulations are almost exclusively related to canopies of strong
magnetic flux concentrations and not to transient events of magnetic
flux emergence. We find that the average vertical magnetic flux density
in the simulation should be less than 50 G to reproduce the observed
polarization signals in the quiet-Sun internetwork. A value of about 35
G gives the best match across the SP, TIP, POLIS, and GFPI observations.
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