Aguado, David S.; Youakim, Kris; González Hernández, Jonay I.; Allende Prieto, Carlos; Starkenburg, Else; Martin, Nicolas; Bonifacio, Piercarlo; Arentsen, Anke; Caffau, Elisabetta; Peralta de Arriba, Luis; Sestito, Federico; Garcia-Diaz, Rafael; Fantin, Nicholas; Hill, Vanessa; Jablonca, Pascale; Jahandar, Farbod; Kielty, Collin; Longeard, Nicolas; Lucchesi, Romain; Sánchez-Janssen, Rubén; Osorio, Yeisson; Palicio, Pedro A.; Tolstoy, Eline; Wilson, Thomas G.; Côté, Patrick; Kordopatis, Georges; Lardo, Carmela; Navarro, Julio F.; Thomas, Guillaume F.; Venn, Kim
Bibliographical reference
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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Refereed citations
We present the results of a 3-yr long, medium-resolution spectroscopic campaign aimed at identifying very metal-poor stars from candidates selected with the CaHK, metallicity-sensitive Pristine survey. The catalogue consists of a total of 1007 stars, and includes 146 rediscoveries of metal-poor stars already presented in previous surveys, 707 new very metal-poor stars with [Fe/H] < -2.0, and 95 new extremely metal-poor stars with [Fe/H] < -3.0. We provide a spectroscopic [Fe/H] for every star in the catalogue, and [C/Fe] measurements for a subset of the stars (10 per cent with [Fe/H] < -3 and 24 per cent with -3 < [Fe/H] < -2) for which a carbon determination is possible, contingent mainly on the carbon abundance, effective temperature and signal-to-noise ratio of the stellar spectra. We find an average carbon enhancement fraction ([C/Fe] ≥ +0.7) of 41 ± 4 per cent for stars with -3 < [Fe/H] < -2 and 58 ± 14 per cent for stars with [Fe/H] < -3, and report updated success rates for the Pristine survey of 56 per cent and 23 per cent to recover stars with [Fe/H] < -2.5 and < -3, respectively. Finally, we discuss the current status of the survey and its preparation for providing targets to upcoming multi-object spectroscopic surveys such as William Herschel Telescope Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer.
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