The quasar MBH-Mhost relation through cosmic time - I. Data set and black hole masses

Decarli, R.; Falomo, R.; Treves, A.; Kotilainen, J. K.; Labita, M.; Scarpa, R.
Bibliographical reference

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 402, Issue 4, pp. 2441-2452.

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We study the relation as a function of cosmic time in a sample of 96 quasars from z = 3 to the present epoch. In this paper, we describe the sample, the data sources and the new spectroscopic observations. We then illustrate how we derive from single-epoch spectra, pointing out the uncertainties in the procedure. In a companion paper, we address the dependence of the ratio between the black hole mass and the host-galaxy luminosity and mass on cosmic time.
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