Fernández-Ontiveros, J. A.; Armus, L.; Baes, M.; Bernard-Salas, J.; Bolatto, A. D.; Braine, J.; Ciesla, L.; De Looze, I.; Egami, E.; Fischer, J.; Giard, M.; González-Alfonso, E.; Granato, G. L.; Gruppioni, C.; Imanishi, M.; Ishihara, D.; Kaneda, H.; Madden, S.; Malkan, M.; Matsuhara, H.; Matsuura, M.; Nagao, T.; Najarro, F.; Nakagawa, T.; Onaka, T.; Oyabu, S.; Pereira-Santaella, M.; Pérez Fournon, I.; Roelfsema, P.; Santini, P.; Silva, L.; Smith, J.-D. T.; Spinoglio, L.; van der Tak, F.; Wada, T.; Wu, R.
Bibliographical reference
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 34, id.e053 15 pp.
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Refereed citations
The physical processes driving the chemical evolution of galaxies in the
last 11Gyr cannot be understood without directly probing the
dust-obscured phase of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei.
This phase, hidden to optical tracers, represents the bulk of the star
formation and black hole accretion activity in galaxies at 1 < z <
3. Spectroscopic observations with a cryogenic infrared observatory like
SPICA, will be sensitive enough to peer through the dust-obscured
regions of galaxies and access the rest-frame mid- to far-infrared range
in galaxies at high-z. This wavelength range contains a unique suite of
spectral lines and dust features that serve as proxies for the
abundances of heavy elements and the dust composition, providing tracers
with a feeble response to both extinction and temperature. In this work,
we investigate how SPICA observations could be exploited to understand
key aspects in the chemical evolution of galaxies: the assembly of
nearby galaxies based on the spatial distribution of heavy element
abundances, the global content of metals in galaxies reaching the knee
of the luminosity function up to z 3, and the dust composition of
galaxies at high-z. Possible synergies with facilities available in the
late 2020s are also discussed.
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