Variable Very-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from the Microquasar LS I +61 303

Albert, J.; Aliu, E.; Anderhub, H.; Antoranz, P.; Armada, A.; Asensio, M.; Baixeras, C.; Barrio, J. A.; Bartelt, M.; Bartko, H.; Bastieri, D.; Bavikadi, S. R.; Bednarek, W.; Berger, K.; Bigongiari, C.; Biland, A.; Bisesi, E.; Bock, R. K.; Bordas, P.; Bosch-Ramon, V.; Bretz, T.; Britvitch, I.; Camara, M.; Carmona, E.; Chilingarian, A.; Ciprini, S.; Coarasa, J. A.; Commichau, S.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Curtef, V.; Danielyan, V.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; de los Reyes, R.; De Lotto, B.; Domingo-Santamaría, E.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Errando, M.; Fagiolini, M.; Ferenc, D.; Fernández, E.; Firpo, R.; Flix, J.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Fuchs, M.; Galante, N.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gaug, M.; Giller, M.; Goebel, F.; Hakobyan, D.; Hayashida, M.; Hengstebeck, T.; Höhne, D.; Hose, J.; Hsu, C. C.; Isar, P. G.; Jacon, P.; Kalekin, O.; Kosyra, R.; Kranich, D.; Laatiaoui, M.; Laille, A.; Lenisa, T.; Liebing, P.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, J.; López, M.; Lorenz, E.; Lucarelli, F.; Majumdar, P.; Maneva, G.; Mannheim, K.; Mansutti, O.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mase, K.; Mazin, D.; Merck, C.; Meucci, M.; Meyer, M.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Mizobuchi, S.; Moralejo, A.; Nilsson, K.; Oña-Wilhelmi, E.; Orduña, R.; Otte, N.; Oya, I.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Pasanen, M.; Pascoli, D. et al.
Bibliographical reference

Science, Volume 312, Issue 5781, pp. 1771-1773 (2006).

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Microquasars are binary star systems with relativistic radio-emitting jets. They are potential sources of cosmic rays and can be used to elucidate the physics of relativistic jets. We report the detection of variable gamma-ray emission above 100 gigaelectron volts from the microquasar LS I +61 303. Six orbital cycles were recorded. Several detections occur at a similar orbital phase, which suggests that the emission is periodic. The strongest gamma-ray emission is not observed when the two stars are closest to one another, implying a strong orbital modulation of the emission or absorption processes.