Technology Transfer: IACTEC


  • Several CSOA activities
    Advanced Optical Systems Center (CSOA)
    The Advanced Optical Systems Center (CSOA) is an unique infrastructure in Spain for the manufacture of high quality optical elements. This cutting-edge technology is a rising value and, with the necessary requirements in Astrophysics, it is available to very few centers in the world.
    José Alfonso
    López Aguerri
  • Render image of ELF Telescope
    ELF - Exo Life Finder
    The detection of extrasolar life is one of the most important scientific discoveries of the next decades. The ExoLife Finder (ELF) design is a highly flexible telescope-interferometer that acts like a coronagraph using the central star to magnify the independent combinations of the primary and secondary mirrors at a Gregorian focus, while allowing
    Nicolas Cédric
  • Imagen H&E de una biopsia de colon con las regiones afectadas por carcinoma identificadas en rojo
    IACTEC Medical Technology: PatologIA
    Artificial intelligence can improve both the accuracy and the speed of medical diagnosis. This has been found to be true for colorectal cancer. This project, a collaboration between the University Hospital and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, is implementing a tool to assist pathologists in prioritizing the mosr urgent cases of this
    Allende Prieto
  • The clean room #1 of IACTEC where LIFEM will be installed
    LIFEM: Laboratory for Integrated Photonics, Opto-Electronics and Opto-Mechanics of IACTEC
    The LIFEM laboratory (Laboratory for Integrated Photonics, Opto-Electronics and Opto-Mechanics Fotonics) will provide IACTEC new headquarters with the technical infrastructure required to support strategic R&D activities. LIFEM will be equipped thanks to the fundings provided to IAC by : the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades via the
  • Formación de estrella guía con laser de Sodio para Óptica Adaptativa
    IACTEC - Free Space Optical Communications
    The Free Space Optical Communications Group is focused in develop and research of quantum optical communications equipments and implementations, between buildings, islands or with LEO/GEO satellite. Also exploit Adaptive Optics in quantum optical communications, develop powerful new technologies. Our EXPERIENCE is: - QKD optical ground terminal
    Luis Fernando
    Rodríguez Ramos
  • Logo Planet Change
    Planet Change: sustainability and Space
    Planet Change is an international educational project participated in by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), and financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 program (code KA220-VET - "Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training"). Planet Change's mission is to: Improve education on sustainable