Technology Transfer: IACTEC


  • EST Render
    IACTEC Large Telescopes: The European Solar Telescope - EST
    The European Solar Telescope (EST) ( is a European solar physics initiative involving more than 30 institutions from 18 countries, under the coordination of the IAC, representing the largest infrastructure of European research projected in the field of solar physics from Earth.
  • Satellite image of the Canary Islands taken by DRAGO-1
    IACTEC Space
    Development of optical payloads for micro-satellites for Earth observation from low orbits.
    Oscoz Abad
  • CTAO 3D simulation. Credit: Gabriel Pérez Díaz (IAC)
    IACTEC Large Telescopes: Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory - CTAO
    The CTAO is an initiative which is planning the construction of a new generation of Cherenkov Telescopes to study the universe in very high energy gamma-rays. Gamma-rays carry information about the most violent and extreme events in the universe.
    García López
  • NRT with dome 2022
    IACTEC Large Telescopes: New Robotic Telescope - NRT
    The NRT (New Robotic Telescope) is a project to design and build a 4-meter telescope within five years, which from the ORM will operate in a totally autonomous and robotic way. This form of operation will make it the largest robotic telescope in the world.
    Carlos Manuel
    Gutiérrez de La Cruz
  • Proyecto Interreg MAC
    IACTEC Medical Technology: MACBIOIDI. Promoting the cohesion of the Macaronesian ORs through a common ICT platform for biomedical R&D&i
    The MACbioIDi Project has 31 partners in the Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Cape Verde, Mauritania, Senegal mainland Spain and the USA. Its goal is to develop medical technology and educational programs, which are usable in the participant territories, paying attention to social and business transfer.