The IACTECagreement of collaboration between the IAC and EMXYS for the development of technological, scientific and human resources in the island has been signed.
On November 14th 2019 at the Headquarters of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in La Laguna an agreeement for cooperation between the IAC and the...
The European Solar Telescope will be installed on La Palma
The International Scientific Committee (CCI for its initials in Spanish) of the Canary Observatories has given the go-ahead for the siting of the installation...
The Governing Council of the IAC gives firm support to the building of the TMT on La Palma
This was stated by the acting Minister for Science, Innovation, and the Universities, Pedro Duque who chaired the annual meeting of the Governing Council of the...
The Head of the Department of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Canary Government visits the IAC
Elena Máñez Rodríguez, the Head of the Department of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Canary Government paid a visit this morning to the headquarters of...
The IAC and ESA sign an agreement to widen the programmes of connection and transmission of optical data at the Teide Observatory
By virtue of this agreement, signed today at ESA’s European Centre of Space Research and Technology (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, (The Netherlands), Tenerife will...
The IAC and the ULPGC renew their collaboration agreement on medical technology
The Director of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Rafael Rebolo; the Deputy Director, Casiana Muñoz-Tuñón; the Rector of the University of Las...
The IAC has its qualification as a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence renewed
The Ministry of Science and Innovation published yesterday the provisional resolution of the qualification of the Centres and Units of Excellence, granting the...
The IAC initiates its Office for the Transfer of Knowledge
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has set up its Office for the Transfer of Knowledge (OTC), a step towards its commitment to knowledge transfer in...