
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Mapping dark sectors at the cross-roads of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Physics
    The elusive nature of dark matter (DM), which constitutes roughly 80% of the universe's matter, is a major challenge in modern physics. Theoretical models suggest that dark matter could be composed of light (sub-GeV) particles that interact weakly with the Standard Model of particle physics. The DarkMaps proposal focuses on exploring the
    Martín Camalich
    In force date
    In force
  • The Baryonic Cycle and its Stellar populations
    B-CycleS is born as an ambitious long-term research program that aims to provide a comprehensive picture for the formation and evolution of galaxies by studying the interplay between their two basic constituents: baryons and dark matter. B-CycleS is rooted in the detailed analysis of the stellar population properties of galaxies and equipped with
    Martín Navarro
    In force date
    In force
  • The whole sun project: untangling the complex physical mechanisms behind our eruptive star and its twins: "Whole sun"
    The Sun is a magnetically active star with violent eruptions that can hit Earth´s magnetosphere and cause important perturbations in our technology-dependent society. The objective of the Whole Sun project is to tackle in a coherent way for the first time key questions in Solar Physics that involve as a whole the solar interior and atmosphere.
    Moreno Insertis
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    In force
  • Quantum Spain project, framed in the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (ENIA)
    Royal Decree 936/2021, of October 26, of the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, regulates the direct granting of a subsidy to several centers of the Spanish Supercomputing Network, for the development of the Quantum ENIA project, within the framework of the Spain Digital 2025 Agenda and the Recovery, Transformation and
    Allende Prieto
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    In force
  • Support to the IAC development of the pre-optics (IPO) and the Control Electronics (ICE) for HARMONI (IPOICE)
    This funding aims t o strengthen the IAC participation in the HARMONI instrument for the ELT by developing prototypes and functional models for the control electronic (ICE) and for mechanisms of the pre-optics (IPO) whilst improving the IAC capacities for testing IR instrumentation for large telescopes. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is
    María Begoña
    García Lorenzo
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    In force
  • Implementation of actions to improve OCAN" - ACT2.- EUROPEAN SOLAR TELESCOPE (EST)
    EST se construirá en el Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, y será el mayor telescopio solar europeo. Dispondrá de un espejo primario de 4 metros y de la más moderna tecnología, lo que proporcionará a los astrónomos una herramienta única para observar y entender el sol y cómo éste determina las condiciones meteorológicas del espacio. EST es
    Collados Vera
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    In force