
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • The structure and evolution of the galaxies and their central regions
    We propose to study the evolution of galaxies through detailed analysis of images and spectra obtained with the most modern ground- and space-based telescopes. We will concentrate on two related important open questions in modern astrophysical research: how do galaxies evolve over their lifetimes, possibly changing their appearance and
    In force date
    Not in force
  • From the first over-densitities to proto-clusters and clusters: The role of the environment
    Our overall aim is understandig to role of the environment from the first sources to the clusters appearing at the epoch of peak star formation. That is, a multi-wavelength study of the early Universe. This implies the understanding of the galaxies that re-ionised the Universe, as well as the processes that resulted in the formation of galaxies
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    Not in force
  • WEAVE: the next-generation wide-field spectrograph for the William Herschel Telescope
    The world-class 4.2m William Herschel telescope (WHT), with its comprehensive instrument suite at the superb site of the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM), stood as the reference optical observational facility behind the dramatic rise in Spanish astronomy over the last 25 years. Now that the Spanish community has access to 8-10-m-class
    José Alfonso
    López Aguerri
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    Not in force
  • Spanish participation in the development of the HARMONI instrument for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT): "Phases of preliminary and final design"
    The ESO E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope) project consists primarily in building a segmented and adaptive telescope with a 40-metre-class primary mirror. It will significantly improve our knowledge in most branches of Astrophysics and, therefore, it is widely supported by the scientific community. It also represents a major technological
    María Begoña
    García Lorenzo
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    Not in force
  • Orientatio ad sidera IV: landscape and cloudscape in astronomy
    In this project, a new approach to Cultural Astronomy studies (archaeoastronomy and ethnoastronomy) will be performed, departing from a new perspective related to global landscape, including skyscape. It will also be in continuation of several lines of research in the field developed in previous projects that have served us as an experience to
    Juan Antonio
    Belmonte Avilés
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    Not in force
  • Participation in the NISP instrument and preparation for the science of Euclid
    The activity of the IAC in the NISP instrument will be focused on tasks related to testing the different models of the DAS (Driving and Acquisition Submodule) module. In particular, in the EM / EQM / FM models the IAC: a) has participated ellaborating the test plan and monitoring of activities, b) is taking part in the analysis of these results
    Carlos Manuel
    Gutiérrez de La Cruz
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    Not in force