
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2020 call Elena Arjona
    The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the modality of the pre-doctoral contract, in order for researchers in training to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project funded by grants for proyectos de I+D. of the State Subprogram of Knowledge Generation within the framework of the
    Arjona Gálvez
    In force date
    In force
  • IAC PLUS: Direct grant intended to promote participation in the R+D+I Framework Programs
    The objectives of this project are: Strengthening the participation of IAC research staff in the different national and European R&D&I programmes. Training IAC researchers and staff in the development of and participation in European and international projects. Strengthening support for excellent research and technological developments that can
    Anselmo Clemente
    Sosa Méndez
    In force date
    In force
  • Grants for pre-doctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2020 call Zahra Shabaf
    The purpose of the grants is to train doctors by financing employment contracts, under the modality of the pre-doctoral contract, in order for researchers in training to carry out a doctoral thesis associated with a research project funded by grants for proyectos de I+D. of the State Subprogram of Knowledge Generation within the framework of the
    In force date
    In force
  • Juan de la Cierva 2020 Incorporation Athira Menon
    The objective of the Juan de la Cierva-incorporation grants is to promote the hiring of people with a doctorate degree by research organizations or Centros de I+D españoles for a period of three years in order to strengthen the skills acquired during a first stage of postdoctoral training. The aid, whose annual amount is 30,500 euros, is used to co
    In force date
    In force
  • Implementation of actions to improve OCAN" - ACT2.- EUROPEAN SOLAR TELESCOPE (EST)
    EST se construirá en el Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, y será el mayor telescopio solar europeo. Dispondrá de un espejo primario de 4 metros y de la más moderna tecnología, lo que proporcionará a los astrónomos una herramienta única para observar y entender el sol y cómo éste determina las condiciones meteorológicas del espacio. EST es
    Collados Vera
    In force date
    In force
  • CMBLAB ICTS2022: Implementation of actions to improve OCAN
    The IAC Cosmologic Team leads the QUIJOTE (Q-U-I Joint Tenerife) and TMS (Tenerife Microwave Spectrometer) experiments, takes part in several Cosmic Microwave Background observing projects currently in development at the Teide Observatory (GroundBird, LSPE-STRIP), and contribute also in the planification and coordination of future European projects
    José Alberto
    Rubiño Martín
    In force date
    In force