
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Imágenes que componen la muestra "100 Lunas cuadradas" junto al astrógrafo STC. Crédito: Daniel López /IAC.
    Desde la cumbre de Tenerife hasta el país del Sol naciente pasando por la capital administrativa de la Unión Europea. La exposición “100 Lunas cuadradas”, compuesta de nueve espectaculares imágenes del cielo, viaja durante el mes de abril a Tokio, donde se inaugurará el próximo día 5 en la sede del Instituto Cervantes en Japón para luego trasladarse a la Universidad Femenina de Ochanomizu. También podrá visitarse en la sede del Parlamento Europeo en Bruselas, acompañada de la maqueta del European Solar Telescope (EST), el que será el mayor telescopio solar de Europa; será inaugurada el
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  • Infrared image of the Large Magellanic Cloud
    Stars with masses between one and eight times the mass of the Sun evolve along the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) before ending their lives as white dwarfs. It is during this rapid but crucial phase when the stars expand to huge dimensions and cool down, losing a major fraction of their mass due to the strong stellar winds. The low temperature and high density of the winds provide ideal conditions for the condensation of dust grains in their circumstellar envelopes. The dust produced by the stars in their AGB phase and expelled into the interstellar medium is important for the lives of the
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